Wednesday 4 July 2012

The first programme draft...

Performing Monstrosity in the City

Queen Mary, University of London

1st September 2012

9am – 10am                Registration
10am – 10:10am         Introduction
10:10 – 11:00              Keynote: Deborah Dixon and Carl Lavery (U. Aberystwyth)
                                    Sites of Contagion: Hashima Island
                                    Chair: Kim Solga
11:00 – 12:30              Panels:
Birthing Monsters
The Transnational Lens: Monsters on Film
Urban Zombies
Chair: Jonathan Marshall (U. Otago)
Chair: Debra Shaw (U. East London)
Chair: Paul Coulton
Emily Garside (Cardiff Metropolitan U.)
‘This is your universe Frankenstein’: the re-appropriation of the monstrous in Danny Boyle’s Frankenstein.

Maria d’Argenio (KCL)
The Inner Monstrous in Latin American Cinema: the Inhumanity of War in Días de Santiago (Josué Méndez, 2004) and La sombra del caminante (Ciro Guerra, 2005)
Belén Martín-Lucas (U. Vigo)
Utopian biocommunism among the ruins:
Nalo Hopkinson’s Brown Girl in the Ring as anticapitalist dystopia

Katie Beswick (U. Leeds)
The Brutalist Monstrosity of the Council Estate: Habitus, performance and the potential of place
Chris Perkins (U. Edinburgh)
Kon Satoshi and the Dialectics of Monsters in post-bubble Japan
Andrea Ruthven (U. Barcelona)
Globalized Zombies in the City
Charlotte Bell (QM, UoL)
The Inner City and the Hoodie
Adam Scales (UEA)
Identity in Crisis: Sexuality and the Slasher Film
Alba de Béjar (U.Vigo)
Posthuman Apocalypse: Grotesque Bodies and Monstrous Cities in Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl

12:30 - 12:45               Coffee Break
12:45 – 1:30                Keynote: Claire Hind (U. York St. John) and Gary Winters (Lone Twin)
                                    KONG LEAR
                                    Chair: Siddharta Bose
1:30 – 2:15                  Lunch (provided)
2:15 – 3:30                  Keynotes: Josep-Anton Fernàndez (Open U. of Catalonia) and Mercè Saumell (Institut del Teatre, Barcelona)
                                    La Vampira del Raval and Barcelona’s Grand Guinyol
                                    Chair: Helena Buffery (UCC)
3:30 – 5:00                  Panels:
Playing with Monsters
The Ephemeral Urban: From the real to the virtual
The Monstrous Politics of Fear
Chair: Chris Perkins (U. Edinburgh)
Chair: Charlotte Bell (QM, UoL)
Chair: Belén Martín-Lucas (U. Vigo)
Maggie Irving (U. Plymouth)
Sedusa Medusa Clowning Revisions Clowning for Women

Richard Freeman (Centre for Fortean Zoology)
The thing on the doorstep: In search of Urban Monsters
Jonathan Marshall (U. Otago)
“Who will unchain the monsters?": Radical catharsis and neuropsychology at the Théâtre du Grand Guignol
Hannah Nicklin (U. Loughborough)
Playing with the monstrous; restructuring the ‘other’ through loveliness, adventure, and curiosity.
Paul Coulton and Andrew Wilson (U.?)
The Peoples Republic of Monsters
JD Taylor
 “Sacrifice, monstrosity and negativity in the neoliberal era: thirteen theses on the damaged body”.
Phil Smith (U. Plymouth)
Walking in Monstrous Cities
Garfield Benjamin (U. Wolverhampton)
Virtual Monsters: Becoming Death and the Quantum Immortal
Debra Shaw (U. East London)
Pirate Utopias and the New Politics of Space

5:00 – 5:20                  Coffee Break
5:20 – 6:30                  Round table
6:30                             Wine reception

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